Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Right-wing Fanatic Shoots Up Church
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/28/usa This proves that there are violent extremists on the Right as well. It would appear that we are now living in an age or terror. People on all sides of the aisle are in danger of attack. Unfortunately, we all might need to arm ourselves in self defense from potential attackers. When Matthew Murray attacked New Life Church, he was put down by an armed security guard, before he could do more harm. In this church he was tackled by congregants, some of whom lost there lives in the attempt, and died a martyrs death. The important thing is not whether or not you live or die, but whether or not you died with honor. I myself believe in non-aggression, while others believe in non-resistance. So if someone were to try to kill me, I'd try to take him down too.
British Parliment Passes Terror Detention Law
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/nov/12/humanrights.terrorism This law violates the right to a fair and speedy trial. The government could arrest suspects, and then manufacture a case later. Thereby violating the due process, and other civil rights of British citizens.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Barack Obama Rejects Federal Matching Funds
http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20080619_Obama_wil_not_accept_federal_matching_funds.html This might be old news, but I thought I'd post it anyway. I support Sen. Obama's descision to not accept public money, to finance his campaign. The taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to political contests, without there consent. Lets see just have much more money he can receive willingly, as opposed to how much money Sen. McCain receives from the public dole.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Franz Schubert Might Have Been Gay
http://www.glbtq.com/arts/schubert_f.html Franz Schubert is like my most favorite composer, of all time. His music is so soothing, and moving. Plus, since my mother seems to believe that all rock music is of the devil, I can buy his music without any scrutiny. Isn't it ironic though how some religious fundies, recomend classical music, instead of pop/rock songs, eventhough the composers of the pieces might not have been completely upright, according to there moral standards. This one such book, that my mother owns, "Satan's Music Exposed", actually recomends Schuberts music. I will especially want to purchase even more of Schubert's recordings, now that I know of his alledged homosexuality. Which is just icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. Mainstream society should recognise the important contributions made to the arts, by homosexuals. The world would be a much duller place without there input.
Ohio Food Banks Are Concerned About Costs
http://www.wnwo.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=150459 It is alarming that in a land that is struggling economicly, there is a shortage of adequet resources, to help those who are impoverised. All compassionate indvisuals should give as they are able. And the government should also give grants to at the very least help the food banks meet there operating expense. After all, the government already subsidises buisnesses and farms. So why not private charities as well?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Lindsay Lohan Aknowledges Same Sex Relationship With Samantha Rosnan
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story/0,26278,23986368-7484,00.html The only thing about this which concerns me is that Lindsay Lohan is said to be acting as a "lipstick lesbian" submissive. I myself feel that all couples, homosexual and heterosexual alike, should be a co-equal partnership. This is also why I tend to oppose gay marriage, and instead support domestic partnership. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_partnership Let the heterosexuals have there patriarchial civil institution. We should not seek to imitate the straights, but to transcend them. Let us all strive to form relationships based upon true fraternity. That being said I wish the two of them the best in there lives together. Hopefuly they will last longer than Ellen Degeneres and Ann Heche's relationship. Which according to Ms. Heche, in her book "Call me Crazy", they broke up because Ellen was being domineering towards her. So I think that in order to have a stable and loving relationship, you must be on equal terms with each other.
Holiness Homophobe Hits Gay Son With Baseball Bat
http://www.independentmail.com/news/2008/jul/18/anderson-man-batters-gay-son-home/ And these fundamentalist freaks think that they are being persecuted by those whom are intolerant of there spirituality. It is because of such superstitious religious attitudes that there is much suffering in this world. Is it then any wonder when the world considers them to be outragous. No it is not conservative christians that need protecting. It is those whom the religious right devalue that are deserving of protection from the aggression of reactionary religion.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Jodie Sweetin Gives Birth to Girl.
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20204474,00.html I just read in "People Magazine", about her recent delivery, plus about her life before and after overcoming her meth addiction. I want to wish her congratulations, not only for safely delivering a healthy baby, but also in bettering herself. Hopefuly she will make even more children, and motion pictures, if she so chooses.
Holy Hypocrites Complained About Gay Seminar.
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=64258 I find the controversy which surrounded this planned event to be frivilous. First of all, no one can teach someone how to be "queer". It is something which is inate. Secondly, the conservative christians have programs which proport to help turn self hating queers straight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex-gay And so to all heterosexist heterosexuals, I have these two questions. When did you first decide to be straight? And if you wanted to, do you think that you could become gay/lesbian? Because if the answer to this is that you do not remember any one time in which you chose to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex, and that you can not imagine ever being oriented towards the same sex instead, then you are holding the rest of us to a double standard. This is my critique of this ignorant, and intolerant, article.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Man With Tourette Syndrome Tased by Security at Hospital
http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2008/07/11/news/top/doc48769c6f73127814155964.txt All people, including those of us with neurological differences, should have access to adequet medical care. Professional people should be trained to understand those with special needs. Also tasers should not be a first resort. Tasers should only be used in lieu of firearms. Security/Police should use better conflict resolution. The hospital staff definately overreacted.
Use it or Loose it.
http://www.politickeroh.com/ryan-and-wilson-join-call-big-oil-use-it-or-lose-it Oil is a scarce natural resource. We as a people must be good stewards of it. The oil cartels are artificialy keeping the price of fuel high, by limiting production. This is why I feel that both oil and coal should be nationalised http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalization. The energy industry, in my opinion, should be a public trust, operated for the good of the people. The oil industry is already subsidised http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidization by the federal government. I feel that it would be far better for the government to socialise it, instead of propping it up with the taxpayers money. We are already paying enough for gas to the corporations. We shouldn't have to give them grants as well. Here is the full text of the "Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act." http://www.washingtonwatch.com/bills/show/110_HR_6251.html
DHS Agents Confiscate Laptops.
http://www.alexkingsbury.com/2008/06/27/a-controversial-customs-practice-creates-a-legal-backlash/#more-333 This misconduct violates the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution The government should not be permitted to gather circumstantial evidence against people, based upon there computer files. Suppose I were to have a laptop, and travel by airplane with it. If the government were to search my activities on-line, they might discover that I am a political radical. This information could be held against me, as for my being considered to be a possible security risk. Now I know that I strictly adhere to the Non-aggression Principle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle, which means that I would never initiate force in order to effect social change. But the government might still consider my views to be subversive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subversive, due to the far-Left http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Left nature of my politics. The founding fathers of the United States had this sort of problem with agents of the Crown. The British soldiers would search the possessions and/or papers of the Patriots. So based upon there personal experiences, they decided to limit the powers of government, in the investigation of possible criminals.
Monday, July 7, 2008
General Motors Reachs Out to the LGBT Community.
http://marketplace.publicradio.org//display/web/2008/07/07/gm_speed_dating/?refid=0 This is obviously an attempt to create a niche market. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niche_market American companies have similarly tried to direct advertising efforts towards hispanics. While I understand there desire to attract the patronage of influentual social groups, I sincerly hope that they don't ask about sexual orientation, along with race, in market surveys. I always get annoyed when I'm asked if I'm hispanic, citizen or not, and then being told that I don't qualify, because I'm white (non-hispanic), and they have enough of my kind in there quota. There also could be a backlash from the "moral mafia", like the American Family Association, who stage boycotts against buisnesses whose policies they find to be offensive to there feelings. Like when some stores had there cashiers wish customers "happy holidays", instead of "merry christmas". The AFA already targeted Ford Motors, for similar actions. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070310/AUTO01/703100333/1148 I hope to see the day when sexual orientation, as well as race, will be irrelevant.
Veterns Get Preferential Treatment in Special Court.
http://www.startribune.com/nation/23879754.html I am of the opinion that this is unfair, and unjust. Judges should have the judicial discretion to decide whether or not leniency should be shown, on a case by case basis, based upon the personal circumstanes involved. But people shouldn't be given an automatic break, just because they're veterns. What if a vetern is found in possession of child pornography. That is a non-violent felony. Yet it is not a victimless crime, like a drug offense. So would a vetern not have to be registered as a sex offender, as long as s/he completes a rehabilitation program? Sometimes alternative sentencing is in order. But veterns should not be shown any favors. While I do appreciate there service to our country, regardless as to whether or not I approve of the war, I do not think that they deserve to be held to a double standard, compared with civilians.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
School Children Are Being Forced to Recite Prayers Against There Will.
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article-1031784/Schoolboys-punished-detention-refusing-kneel-pray-Allah.html If only Madelyn Murray O'Hair were still around. There is no need for them to even pay lip service to Allah. In fact from a genuine muslim standpoint, this diminishes the sincerity of the prayer. Which since the "Shahadda" is the profession of faith necessary for conversion, technicly this was also a forced conversion, according to Shariah law. On a related note, this sort of thing has already occured, unfortunately, in California. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/10/03/MNG4ILH1201.DTL
Fireworks Cause Air Pollution.
http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/falls/9200/toxic_fireworks.html The unfortunate fact is that the brillant displays, which herald the advent of Independence Day, cause enviromental harm. I do not feel that it is patriotic to cause longterm damage our country's atmosphere, just so that we might have some temporary thrills. We need to ensure a bright future for the next generations.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Ingrid Betancourt is Now Free.
http://www.theage.com.au/world/betancourt-says-colombian-rescue-impeccable-20080703-30v6.html?page=-1 Ingrid Betancourt has just recently been rescued by the Colombian military, along with three american contractors. Fortunately, as far as I know, no one was killed in the attempt. This is good news. Hopefuly Colombia can now move forward towards a better and brighter future.
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