Sunday, June 29, 2008
If Only Robert Mugabe Were White If Robert Mugabe were a white tyrant, everyone would rightly view him as being a racist dictator. As it is, some people are going easy on him, because of Africa's history of colonial aparteid. Oppression for any reason is wrong. And sadistic abuse of power is never justified.
Friday, June 27, 2008
July, 4th, America's Independence Day Coming up in a few days will be the "Fourth of July", in which American's like myself celebrate our nation's independence from British Imperialism. Eventhough I may not always like what America's leaders do, domesticly or foreignly, I do believe in celebrating the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Which has inspired countless others to likewise cast off the chains of oppression, and liberate themselves from tyranny. It is the promise of the "american dream" that all might have the opportunity to better themselves, and improve there society. We have not always lived up to our ideal though. There has been both discrimination, and exploitation of disadvantaged people, throughout our history. But we as citizens have the freedom and duty to change things for the betterment of all.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ohio State Legislature to Propose Legislation Regarding "Pit Bulls" I feel that any law which automaticly persecutes a breed of canine is racist in nature. Just because Saffordshire Terriers (Pit Bulls) are stereo-typicly given a bad reputation, by society, is no reason to discriminate against them, in relation to other dod breeds. To do so would in my opinion, be like the Nuremberg Laws, in Nazi Germany. Genocide of canines is little better than genocide of humans, in principle. I'm sure that some might also argue similar restrictions on the negroid race (blacks), due to the high crime rates attributed to them. However no one would ever suggest that we ever place restrictions on them, and or exterminate them. Laws must be crafted which are fair for dogs and there owners, plus protect the public safety. All dogs, regardless of breeding, which attack a human being, should at minimum be locked up, and/or put to sleep. But unless there is just cause, an indivisual domesticated canine should be able to live it's life in peace and freedom. Notably, Ohio defines as domesticated any canine with at least one domesticated ancestor Sort of like a grandfather clause for dogs. I remember, when I was a boy, seeing a dog which was 99% wolf, and getting to pet it. Dogs which are partialy of wild descent are not currently regulated as stringently as Staffordshire Terriers might someday be.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court Forbids Execution of Rapists of Children. I spport this ruling, not only because I feel that the death penalty in general is unnecessary to prevent crime, and punish criminals, but also because sex crimes, as heinous as they are, do not merit capital punishment. After sufficient rehabilitation, some sex offenders may ever be released back into society, just as long as they are continued to be monitored by the state. Also I suspect that the application of the death penalty, in this instance could also be disproportionately used against people of colour. I believe that the legislation allowing for the execution of rapists was drawn up following Reconstruction, because the white southerners feared freed slaves might try to seduce there women. During segregation, blacks were lynched for even flirting with a white woman. Can you imagine what would happen if they arrested one suspected of raping one? Also if statutory rape is treated as equivalent to unconsensual sexual relations, a black man could even be killed for volutarily having sex with a white maiden. People wrongly convicted of murder are sometimes executed. We do not need to destroy the lives of wrongly convicted sexual predators as well. Castrate them maybe, but not execute them.
American Military Academies Unfairly Promote Christianity/Religion The partiality/favortism shown towards organised religion, by the administration of the military academies, is alarming. If push were to come to shove, the officers could stage a coup, and depose the elected government, in order to establish a dominionist theocracy. The soldiers are to be duty bound to support and uphold the U.S. constitution, not any particular religious group. If any of them have a greater loyalty to a supposed divine authority, it is a threat to the american people. Not all of whom are christian, let alone evangelical.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
ParaMilitaries Jeopardise Peace Auc ( is reminescent of the FreiKorps ( in Weimar Germany. There actions threaten a just peace between rival social classes. For there to be social stability and tranquility, there needs to be fair play, and good faith, with the government. Which currently is a bourgeois dictatorship. Hopefuly, and preferably, this crisis can be resolved peaceably. But yet still, it may require a social revolution, by the workers and peasants.
Forgotten Children All children, including those with special needs should receive an adequette education. Whether at home or at school. If at school, then services should be fully funded by the government. If at home, then they should be given support by the state school system. Touretters, and others, should be enabled to live as independent a life as possible, and not have to rely upon the welfare state for support. Not only would institutionalising be unfair to those of us whom would be losing our liberty, but also for the tax payers whom would be paying for our care. For if we can not be allowed to be self-relient, we would have to free load off of others.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Lebanon's Military Should Be Treated Fairly. If The U.S government insists upon giving foreign aid to the Jewish state of Israel, it should also aid Lebanon's government in combatting the stronghold which Hezbollah holds over part of the country, so that Israel doesn't feel the need to invade. Israel's military intervention, justified or not, enables Hezbollah to present themselves as being protectors from zionist expansion. Of course as an anarchist, I'm against foreign aid, as well as organised government. But we mustn't be seen as favouring one nation over another.
Barack Obama Attends and Addresses Apostolic Church of God.,obamachurch061408.article I just recently found this out. I'm not sure now if I'll be voting for him or not. Near where I live, an off shoot of this denomination, was involved in a murder It seems funny that I'm considering not voting for him because of his new Apostolic affiliation, instead of like other people who won't vote for him because they erroneously think he's muslim. But I'd sooner vote for a muslim, like Keith Ellison, than for any Pentecostal. I see no reason, why I should make an exception for Sen. Obama, just because he's a black Democrat, instead of a white Republican. He wouldn't be the only Democratic member of the Senate with Pentecostal/Holiness connections however. Jon Tester is COG, Anderson, Ind. I'm not trying necessarily trying to discourage anyone from supporting the candidacy of Obama for President, or tell you how to vote. I'm just somewhat concerned about the Dominionists infiltrating the Democratic party as well as the Republican, especially since I'm a registered Democrat now myself. Here were his remarks, when he addressed the congregation.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court Grants Constitutional Protection to Gitmo Prisoners I agree with the descision. The alledged enemy combatants should have the right to due process, which is an inalienable right to all of humankind, from nature and/or nature's God. At the very least, they should have the right to Habaeus Corpus. As well as the Geneva Convention. Otherwise we'll have "star chambers". Even Adolf Eichmann was given a trial in Israel, before he was executed. Justice should now be done in the battle against militant muslim terrorism.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Vile, Violent, education for death.
A few days ago, I was playing with my six year old cousin, Joey. He wanted to play with his pro wrestling action figures. Now I do not approve of the no holds barred standards of modern day professional wrestling. I feel that it is similar to the gladiatoral competitions, in ancient Rome. But what I experienced next was even more provocative. I was handed a white wrestler, and Joey likewise had one. He then took out a ninja figurine. He said that the two of us were going to attack the ninja. I asked why. He said that the ninja is evil. I asked what is so evil about him. He told me that the ninja wants to take over the world. And that besides, I wouldn't want to be the ninja, because the ninja isn't as powerful as the wrestlers. Later on it hit me. This was how Hitler and his Nazis were able to convince the German people to go along with the Holocaust. First they tell the people that the enemy(like the Jews) are evil. Then you tell them that the enemy is trying to take over you. Then finally they claim that, even if you still doubt that the supposed enemy is an evil threat to the nation, the enemy deserves to be defeated, because they are inferior untermenschen, while we are a master race of supermen. I can just imagine what it would have been like if television were to have existed in the 30's and 40's. In Nazi Germany, like our "Power Rangers", they may have had something called, "The Aryan Troopers". And they'd have them swoop down like knights in shining armor, to fight against caricatures of Jews, and/or other groups which the Fascist regime found to be undesirable. It works on adults too. As Hermann Goering said, "Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war. Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country whom determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Oh, and if you're wondering what I did in response to Joey's similated battle. I used my wrestler to stop the fight, and help the ninja to escape. Because just like any good samurai knight, I believe in placing rectitude above obedience, in accordance with the chivalrous code of bushido.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Communists Criticise New Indiana Jones Movie. The newest installment of the Indiana Jones series needn't have featured the Soviets as the villains, despite what Steven Spielberg says. Instead it could have had ODESSA attempt to reclaim power, with the patronage of some Right-wing South American military dictatorship. And Indy could try to keep them from attaining the Crystal Skull, which is believed to hold extraterrestrial powers. You see the current plot doesn't make any sense. The Communists, being officialy atheistic, would not have believed in metaphysical power. I also feel that they would have respected the cultural autonomy of the indigenous population, and not attempt to raid them of there ancient artifact. So in my opinion, this movie is like a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hayekian Socialism This editorial review of Friedrich Hayek illustrates how a libertarian form of socialism could be possible, without government planning of the economy. I agree that we can still learn a lot, and gain perspective from the Old Right. And vice versa. The political Right might benefit from the libertarian Left as well.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Gambian President Threatens Homosexuals With Death This is what happens when organised religion takes control of a nation. Supposed divine authority takes prevelence over human liberty. If the dominionists ever succede in taking over the U.S.A. however, this is what we can expect. Which is why there needs to be equal rights for all, and special priveledges for none.
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