Friday, March 28, 2008

Girl with Cancer is Finally Able to See Her Dad Before Passing Away. Jayci Yaeger was finally able to see her father, Jason, during the last twenty minutes of her life. There were numerous appeals for him to gain early release, and be transfered to a halfway house. Unfortunately his appeals were denied by the coldhearted officials. Drug possession is a victimless crime. Drug abuse is a personal medical problem, just like cancer. The victim whom was punished from all of this, was Jayci. The criminal justice system should show better descrecion, and compassion, in handling special indivisual cases.

Lebron James Appears on the Cover of Vogue Lebron James generated controversy when he appeared on the cover of Vogue Magazine, along side a white model. I found that the cover was tastefuly done. People read into it what they wanted to, according to there prejudices. I see nothing wrong with a black man being exited to be with a good looking woman, regardless of race. If I could title this picture, I'd call it "score!".;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Two Autistic Women Communicate With The Outside World These two stories serve to illustrate the personal potential of even the lowest functioning autists. Autists, no matter if they be high functioning, like myself, or low functioning, like these two young women, are just as human as neuro-typicals. We are just different, not defective. Hopefuly we will be better able to understand, and respect, each other in times to come. While it may be true that some of us do have comorrid problems, like sensory overload, these related conditions do not characterise autism in it's self. It's like when a woman has breast cancer. She does not have cancer just because she has breasts. She has cancer in addition to being female. Autism is a part of neuro-diversity, just as being black is a part of racial diversity. And I would like to say to Sen. Obama in particular, that just as being negroid is not classified as being pathological, because of sickle cell anemia, autism should likewise not be necessarily classified as being disordered just because we might have compounded problems personaly. Well meaning, yet misguided, politicians, whom sponsored and signed the "Combatting Autism Act", should remember that we are all capable of not only writing, but voting as well. I do not know for whom if any I will be voting for in the upcoming election. But I do hope that whomever does win, will become better informed about both our needs and our rights. Autism should be accomodated, not eliminated. Especially since realisticly they will never change us. The only thing that might be accomplished, heaven forbid, would be our destruction in the womb. Which was what has happened to many Down's Syndrome foetuses. And we're not even retarded either!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Washinton D.C.'s Gun Ban is Challenged in the Supreme Court. I am pleased with this ruling. I feel that all citizens should be legally recognised as having the right of self preservation. Now reasonable regulations, like registration, liscencing, and assault weapon bans, are understandable from the standpoint of the state. However to disarm the citizenry is to invite threats to indivisual life and/or liberty. Only a tyrant fears armed law abiding citizens.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tibet is a rightful part of China I support the efforts of the People's Liberation Army to suppress the reactionary uprising against the People's Republic of China. Tibet is, and has always been a part of China. It was social progress that the rule of the Lamas was ended.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Choctow Woman Has to Prove She's American This is an outrageous requirement. The more ethnicly american you are, the more foreign the white conquerers think you are. If my late paternal grandmother were still alive, she'd probally be mistaken for a mexican too. We should all be assumed to be citizens, until proven otherwise.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Police Allow Drunk Father to Take His Baby Daughter. The girl later died, while in his custody. Irresponsible parents should not be allowed to have custody rights over children. With Rights should come responsibility. A child is a person, not a possession.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Eight Yeshiva Students Killed in Terrorist Attack. I am concerned that this inexcusable atrocity may breed retaliation. Both Israelis and Palestinians must not transgress the limits of just warfare. Hate breeds more hatred. Violence brings about more violence. There needs to be a just, and peaceful, resolution to the conflict.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rabbinate in Israel Requires Proof of Jewishness Before Granting Marriage.Rabbinate in Israel Requires Proof of Jewishness Before Granting Marriage. Some Israelis, especially those from America, are have a hard time satisfying the official Orthodox Rabbinate's criteria. Israel does not have civil marriage. So couples have to gain the approval of this modern day Sanhedrin. This requirement I regard as being in stark contrast with Israels claim of being a democratic country.