Monday, January 28, 2008

Shut Up And Sing This film documents the backlash against the country music trio, "The Dixie Chicks". It all began when the band performed in the U.K., on the same day as an anti-iraq war protest. Natalie Maines, there lead singer, declared her opposition to the war, as well as her embarrassment to be from the same state as President Bush. Well when word got back to the Neo-conservatives, behind the "Bible curtain" , there was a bitter reaction. There was public demonstrations, boycotts, and destruction of personal copies of there albums. They even received death threats. What scares me is that some of the same people who attacked the Dixie Chicks will be voting in the upcoming election. This intolerant mentality is charactoristic of Fascism. One of the things which has always made the U.S.A. more praiseworthy than other countries, like the U.S.S.R., is that artists here are free to criticise politicians and/or policies abroad. I respect the Dixie Chicks even more now, since I know that they stand up for what they think is right. They are very couragous young ladies.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Wind That Shakes The Barley This film illustrates that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. The film begins by showing the brutality, and cruelity of the British. Two brothers, Teddy and Damien, join the Irish Republican Army in order to fight for independence from British dominance. Towards the end however, a treaty is signed giving Ireland home rule only as a dominion. Damien, and other socialists, however reject this treaty and continue fighting for an independent socialist republic. The socialist Republicans believed that unless the capitalistic social conditions are aboloished, Ireland would never truely be freed of the wage slavery and poverty, which charectorised british rule. The film ends when Teddy, who is an officer in the army of the Irish Free State, captures Damien and later executes him. The situation between Damien and Teddy, during the Irish Civil War, remind me of a song about two brothers during another civil war. This song was recorded by the "Cottars".

Thursday, January 24, 2008

U.S. Marines Enlist Man With Tourette Syndrome This really strikes home for me, as I also have T.S. I know that not only do I sometimes get nervous from stress, I also make noises that are worse than a crying saddle. The enemy could hear me from far away. I also am offended not only by the military recruiters pressuring impressionable young people, which with all of the other armed groups like the street gangs recruiting people is bad bad enough. No, I'm also upset by the different branches competing against each other for recruits. The Marines should be considered to be no different than any other of the armed forces. With them trying to rival other servicemen with opportunistic mercenary offers, they have become just another part of the professional military industrial complex. Hopefuly the next president will address this, and we will only raise a standing military during a constitutionaly declared just war. There are plenty of valid options for a non-combatant. But indivisuals with special needs should not be put on the front lines, where they'd be a liability not only to themselves, but to there comrades at arms as well.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Amazing Grace I just saw this amazing film. It is about William Wilberforce, who was a member of the house of commons. He was opposed to social injustice and slavery, due to his idealistic morality. Yet opposed to violent revolution, due to his loyalty. He used various political manuevers to accomplish his reforms. The film also demonstrates how the material basis behind the slave trade, and also special interest money influenced certain parliment members to oppose the abolition of the slavery. I encourage all of my readers to view this theatrical work, in order to understand how conscientious citizens, and dissenting clergy, peacably worked to better the social condition of the world. Hopefuly there will come a day when wage slevery is likewise abolished.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Corporate Welfare State Contributes to Poverty The social system, with it's bureaucratic regulations restricts self help efforts. People should be enabled to help themselves, through mutual aid and cooperative enterprises. Often times the perfect is the enemy of the good. The citizens should be allowed to become self regulating through the free market forces.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Britney Spears Has Mental Breakdown It's most unfortunate that she seems to be psychologicly troubled by her inner demons, of some sort or another. The really tragic thing is that many mentally deranged people fall through the cracks unnoticed by the rest of society, until it is too late. Like with Matthew Murray. The reason why this is getting public attention is because Ms. Spears is a big name celebrity. But such problems can happen to anyone, not just the famous, and infamous. Our prayers and/or thoughts should be with her and her family, during this hard time.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Voter I.D. Laws are Chalenged In the start of the Primary election season, I feel that is is appropiate to remind you all about the new identification requirements recently enacted in many states. I feel that these laws are unjust. Especially since illegal aliens have been able to fraudalently gain driver's liscences before. Just to be on the safe side, look up the election laws in your state. If you will not be able to provide adequette I.D. and/or are not sure what is required to be able to vote, you can always just vote absentee, as I did in the last election.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lakota declares independence from the U.S. government The Lakota tribal nation lead by Russell Means recently declared themselves free of federal control. This I consider to be an example of autonomism, reminescent of the Bavarian Soviet Republic If the Lakota are successful in there seccession from the Union, I feel that it will be a great victory for anarchism. From what I've heard,from Mr. Means's interview on the Phil Hendrie show, the new Lakota nation will be tax free, and will also have no social priveledge. It's borders will be open to all who are willing to renounce there American citizenship, and abide by the laws of the tribal council. I wish the Lakota the best in there struggle. And hope that there dream of an independent homeland will become a reality. Preferably without the need for violence, unlike when the southern states tried to secede, during the Civil War. Here is the official web address of the "Lakotah Republic".