Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bhutto is assasinated This proves that the islamo-fascists desire complete control over society, ans will not share power with anyone. Not even a professed muslimah. Benazir Bhutto was a politicly progressive moderate muslim, and she will be missed. We far-leftists are not against any religion, not even Islam. We are however opposed to any socio-cultural group having privaledge and/or supremacy over others. Though Comrade Bhutto is dead, our struggle will still go on, until victory is finally won.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Reasons for anarchists and/or other radicals to support Ron Paul I, as a registered Republican, plan on voting for Ron Paul, as a part of a Popular Front strategy of entryism For all registered Democrats reading this blog post, Mike Gravel is a decent choice as well.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Jamie Lynne Spears is pregnant,,20167059,00.html,,20167059,00.html Jamie Lynne, the younger sister of Britney Spears, is expecting a baby. She was impregnated by her live in boyfriend, whom she met at church. She is only sixteen years old. In her home state of Louisiana, the laws are based upon Napoleonic law. Therefore the age of consent is like that of France. Actually the U.S.A., as a country, has the highest age of consent worldwide at eighteen. I'm glad that she is going to be carrying the pregnancy to fruition, and will also be raising the infant with her common law husband. It appears that the relationship she shares with the unborn child's father is commited and stable. Hopefuly they will marry, and have better success than Britney did, in her personal life. I would like to close with this song by Elvis Presley. Hopefuly Jamie Lynne will heed it's words of advice, in the unlikely event that she reads my blog. I wish them all the best of luck. Congratulations!
Teenaged Canadian Girl Murdered by Her Father, Over Her Refusal to Wear Hijab. As Maryam Namazie has said, Hijab is a way for men to sexually objectify, and control women. demonstrates possession of the woman by the man. Here are some essays by Comrade Maryam Namazie. She would be able to explain better than I could, since she has personal experience.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Tragic Life of Matthew Murray. As I've posted before, if children are being abused and or being brainwashed with extreme ideology, the state may intervene, in order to ensure that they are well adjusted into our free society. Now I've been homeschooled, not with Gothard's curriculum, and I am a very good citizen. I am consciencious and well informed about current events. Dominionism ( is a christian equivalant to( Both are a threat to the freedom of secular society. These movements must be resisted by all revolutionary forces. Verbaly and passively, whenever possible. But also forcefuly and aggressively, whenever necessary. It is wrong however to deliberately kill un-armed civillians. Also this only makes us look bad, and them appear to be martyrs. Thereby gaining themselves popular sympathy. Our weapon is our right of anti-religious propoganda. Only if the clerical fascists commit oppression and or aggression against us, may we counteract them by violent force. Theocratic patriarchy must be abolished, both here and abroad. Otherwise we will become a reactionary society, like Iran. I knew Matthew Murray, as a poster on an ex-pentecostal message board. He was a brilliant, yet disturbed, young man. He will be missed by all those who knew and loved him, which were mostly on-line. He must not have died in vain. We must all continue the fight against the ultra-Right. Only using non-violent means, unless conditions deteriate to the point that armed conflict is inevitable. I'd like to close by posting original lyrics I wrote, to commemerate this horrible tragedy, in Colorado.
Nightmare Child (Chorus)Nightmare child running wild. They made your life a nightmare. Then turned you away without a care.(Chorus) Your mother treated you so cruel in your homeschool. It was so bad that it drove you mad. (repeat chorus) The torment was so great that you fled. Now you've returned, and they're all dead. (Repeat chorus) He filled the people's hearts with worry. Giving proof that life's a horror story. (repeat chorus) ..... Rest in peace, Matthew, AKA (Nghtmrchld26).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Liberty Dollar The liberty dollar is a form of currency, not controlled by the federal reserve. This is good because it is not subject to the whims of inflation. Now the Secret Service is suppressing the circulation of it on the money market. The federal government, in my judgement, is acting as an organised crime syndicate. There stranglehold on the national financial capital is an oligarchic cartel. Competition should bring down the inflated prices of goods and services. I guess that this is one instance in which the bourgeois democratic regime opposes the free market socio-economic system. I hope that eventually we may be able to form alternative systems to that of the corporate welfare state.
Friday, December 7, 2007
!Hero the Rock Opera is Anti-semitic!Hero
!Hero the Rock Opera!Hero, in my opinion, is anti-semitic. It is a re-telling of a passion play, which is set in modern america. The government under which the U.S.A. is contoled by is "Judeao-Bolshevik". This is evidenced by the red star on the sleeve of the soldiers uniforms. The only apostles identified, Peter and Judas, are white supremacists. Peter(Petra in the film) is a redneck, with a confederate battle flag on his tee shirt. Judas (Jude in the film) is a skinhead. Mary Magdalene(Maggie in the film) is a prostitute, who also tells fortunes, and believes in astrology. She tries to seduce Jesus (Hero in the film) unsuccessfully. The only charactor who is noticablely Jewish is Caiaphas (Kai in the film), who sports a magen David on his fez. In the end it is a Jewish lynch mob, lead by Kai, who beats Hero to death. We are not even informed as to the supposed higher purpose which Christ's death served, which was to atone for the sins of the entire human population. Instead it appears that Kai forced him to die, in order to preserve his hold on power, under the Communist regime. This is an opera worthy of Wagner.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
British Man Ordered to Pay Child Support, After Lesbian Couple Split This I feel is like regarding a surrogate mother to be the parent. In my opinion, this man is the male equivalent of a surrogate. As he has no parental rights, he also should not be required to assume parental resonsibilitys.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
U.S. Military Kills Iraqi Activists The U.S. occupation is not there to fight terrorism, but to extend there dominance.
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